Together with the Church in Asia - Insieme con la Chiesa in Asia
The Asian Mission Congress on October 18-22, 2006 in Chiang Mai, Thailand is the second in the history of the Church in Asia. The first mission congress was celebrated in December 1979 in Manila, Philippines as an international happening on the occasion of the 4th centenary of the archdiocese of Manila. Similar to Chiang Mai, the first congress was "co-sponsored by the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and by the Pontifical Mission Societies" as the message of the delegates from December 7, 1979 says.
"We have been deeply moved by a vision of a new world being born of millions of men and women in the search of new social structures and relationships of a renewed humanity," the 1979 message says. "Many in our Asian countries have in diverse ways met Christ and his Gospel and have been deeply attracted by them."
L’Asian Mission Congress (Amc) si terrà a Chiang Mai (Tailandia) dal 18 al 22 ottobre 2006. Secondo quanto rivelato sulla pagina web della Federazione delle Conferenze Episcopali Asiatiche (, Fabc), promotrice dell’avvenimento, almeno 1.000 personalità delle Chiese dell’Asia sono attese a Chiang Mai, mentre altre 3 mila persone, tutte tailandesi, si aggiungeranno per partecipare ai vari incontri, mostre, spettacoli culturali.Il tema dell’Amc è “Raccontare la storia di Gesù in Asia…una celebrazione della fede e della vita”. Lo scopo è far maturare nei cattolici dell’Asia la coscienza di essere missionari nel loro continente, rafforzandone l’identità.